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- IBMConv Version 1.21 Documentation.
- © 1992 D Trollope.
- The legalities.
- Permission is granted to distribute this archive provided that:
- 1. It is not distributed in part, the whole archive must be distributed.
- 2. It is not used in a commercial environment for commercial purposes.
- (This could be arranged though...)
- 3. This notice is included in all copies.
- 4. Modified copies are marked below with the author name and modification
- details, and I am notified.
- 5. All parts of the archive (code,documentation and executables) are
- © 1992,1993 D Trollope, and although you are quite welcome to examine and make
- use of it, don't distribute it as yours.
- 6. If you like the program why not make a donation to the author... This
- archive is Public Domain though.
- This version has not been modified by anybody but the original author -
- D Trollope
- No liability is accepted for the contents of the archive containing this and
- other files relating to IBMConv. Use these files at your own risk.
- The following should be included in this archive.
- Documentation.DOC The documentation file.
- IBMConv.h C Header file included by IBMConv.c
- IBMConv.c C Source code for the executable provided.
- (Lattice C V5.1)
- IBMConv CLI executable program.
- Contents.DOC A cutting of this section of documentation.
- (You obviously have this!)
- IBMFile.DOC A Dummy text file in IBM format for you to
- experiment on.
- AmigaFile.DOC A Dummy text file in Amiga format for you to
- experiment on.
- If something is missing, ask your source why!
- The documentation.
- This is a simple program which will read a text file and convert it to either
- IBM/ST format, or AMIGA/UNIX format. To the non techies, this means that extra
- control codes will be added/removed where appropriate when transferring text
- files.
- Note, this program will NOT read IBM/ST compatible disks, use CrossDOS,
- MessyDOS, or DOS2DOS for this.
- Using IBMConv.
- IBMConv has four CLI arguments, there are keywords available to identify
- them, but they can be ignored. Three arguments must be specified with or without
- the keywords. These are the FROM, TO, and TYPE arguments. The fourth is an
- option to stop any output being displayed (except errors). This option is called
- IBMConv [FROM] Sourcefile [TO] Destinationfile [TYPE] Sourcefiletype [QUIET]
- AmigaDOS file pathnames IBM or AMIGA No output
- No destination
- filename expansion
- New to Version 1.21
- Sourcefile and Destinationfile.
- These are the files (with optional paths) a) to be read, and b) to be
- written.
- The destination does not have to specify a filename. You can give a directory
- as the destination. You must supply an actual file (including its path) as the
- source name.
- IBMConv MS1:Text RAM: IBM
- The above line will now work in this version, previous versions would have
- failed.
- Keywords can now be specified like this:
- You can now just supply a destination directory without a file. You may
- however supply the '/' of the directory. This is not needed though.
- The sourcefile name can be used in the destination directory.
- If you supply a destination file which already exists, or a directory
- containing a file with the same name as the original file, a warning is given,
- but the file is overwritten. No confirmation is given.
- Sourcefiletype
- This must be either "IBM" or "AMIGA" and is now case insensitive, ie.
- "Amiga", "amiga", "AmIgA" will all be recognised as "AMIGA". Previous versions
- were limited to upper case. All keywords are case insensitive.
- The QUIET option prevents any output from being displayed during convertion.
- The only exception to this is if an error occurs.
- The NOXPND option prevents the program expanding the destination file. What
- this means is, if a directory or device was supplied, the filename was added to
- it. Eg.
- The destination therefore became 'T:Test.txt'. However, some devices didn't
- like this, NIL: for example doesn't allow filenames. If you specified a filename
- AmigaDOS asked for the volume NIL:
- Using the NoXpnd option forces the program to use the destination file as it
- is supplied. NIL: can therefore be used. While using NIL: seems pointless, it
- can be used for seeing how long a file is in bytes (after convertion) and lines.
- I also can find it useful for debugging when I don't want to save the output.
- The third and final reason for this option, is that I do not know if any devices
- will be produced in the future with the restriction of no filenames. If one is
- produced, the program will be (in theory) compatible with it. I believe a little
- forward thinking never hurt anyone did it?
- The only point I will make with this option is if you supply a directory like
- 'T:' and used the NoXpnd option, you will receive a DOS error 210, but what do
- you expect?
- The above line works.
- Examples.
- To convert an Amiga text file (called Test.txt found in the RAM disk) to IBM
- format ready for transfer to an IBM disk try the following:
- or
- IBMConv RAM:Test.txt T:TestIBM.txt AMIGA
- This reads "Convert the AMIGA text file RAM:Test.txt to IBM format and place
- it in the file T:TestIBM.txt".
- To do the opposite, convert an IBM text file (called Test.txt found in the
- RAM disk) that has already been transferred to the Amiga to an Amiga
- formatted disk, try the following:
- IBMConv FROM RAM:Test.txt TO T:TestAmiga.txt TYPE IBM
- or
- IBMConv RAM:Test.txt T:TestAmiga.txt IBM
- Supply just a destination directory such as:
- IBMConv FROM RAM:Test.txt TO T: TYPE AMIGA } All Do
- or
- IBMConv RAM:Test.txt T: AMIGA }
- or
- IBMConv FROM RAM:Test.txt TO RAM:T/ AMIGA } The Same
- or
- IBMConv RAM:Test.txt RAM:T/ AMIGA }
- or
- IBMConv FROM RAM:Test.txt TO RAM:T AMIGA } Operation
- or
- IBMConv RAM:Test.txt RAM:T AMIGA }
- You can use some, but do not need all the keywords such as:
- It makes no difference. You can in fact supply keywords, in a different
- order, like this:
- Missing the TO keyword is also allowed, as long as the FROM keyword exists.
- The following will work!
- However, missing the TO and FROM keywords will not work in this case:
- IBMConv T: RAM:Test.txt TYPE AMIGA ; will not be allowed.
- To stop any output being displayed
- (with the exceptions of warnings and errors):
- I hope you understand its use, if not, experiment on the two dummy text files
- supplied. Convert the documentation too if you want, but make sure you use
- backups!
- To examine the files, I recommend using the HEX option in the AmigaDOS
- command TYPE because using TYPE on its own shows no difference between the files
- in a normal shell. When looking at the HEX values, look for the occurence (or
- disappearance depending on the direction of transfer) of values 0D followed by
- 0A.
- Errors.
- Number Message
- 101 Minimum number of parameters is 3.
- The are 4 (7 with keywords) possible parameters, 3 of which are
- always needed. This means at least 3 should be specified.
- 102 Maximum number of parameters is 7.
- The are 4 (7 with keywords) possible parameters, 7 of which is the
- maximum when all the parameters have been used. This means at least
- 1 has been specified more than once, or extra irrelevant parameters
- have been specified in the command line.
- 106 No file type has been supplied in the command line.
- You haven't specified "IBM" or "AMIGA" in the command line.
- 107 1 file type please, more than 1 has been found in the command line.
- The keyword "IBM" or "AMIGA" has been found in the command line more
- than once. The "TYPE" keyword may have been used once, and not in
- another occurence.
- 108 File type must be "IBM" or "AMIGA" (case insensitive).
- The "TYPE" keyword has been specified but the word following is not
- either of the keywords "IBM" or "AMIGA".
- 111 No destination file has been supplied in the command line.
- The program cannot find a destination file. If you have supplied one
- there may be a problem with other command line parameters, or a
- space has been missed. Try placing the "FROM" keyword in front of
- your file name (or path). This may not make it work, but will help
- show the command line error.
- 112 Only 1 destination file please, more than 1 has been found in the
- command line.
- More than one destination file has been found. If you have supplied
- one there may be a problem with other command line parameters, or a
- space has been missed. Try placing the "FROM" keyword in front of
- your file name (or path). Also use the "TO" keyword, and place '"'s
- around the filenames (not the keywords, just the name. This may not
- make it work, but will help show the command line error.
- 113 No destination lock has been possible.
- An AmigaDOS Lock has not been possible on the destination file/
- directory, and the program is not sure if the directory exists, or
- if it is a file name that has been supplied.
- 116 No source file has been supplied in the command line.
- The program cannot find a source file. If you have supplied one
- there may be a problem with other command line parameters, or a
- space has been missed. Try placing the "FROM" keyword in front of
- your file name (or path). This may not make it work, but will help
- show the command line error.
- 117 Only 1 source file please, more than 1 has been found in the command
- line.
- More than one source file has been found. If you have supplied one
- there may be a problem with other command line parameters, or a
- space has been missed. Try placing the "FROM" keyword in front of
- your file name (or path). Also use the "TO" keyword, and place '"'s
- around the filenames (not the keywords, just the name. This may not
- make it work, but will help show the command line error.
- 255 Internal Error - MAXUSER_ERR.
- This should never occur, but if it does contact me immediately, a
- problem with the actual execution has arisen. Try re-executing the
- command. If the problem persists, try playing around with the
- command line parameters. A really persistant problem should be
- attempted after a reboot then if all has failed contact me.
- Please note, these are not DOS error numbers, as you will see they have no
- meaning regarding AmigaDOS.
- Warnings.
- Number Message
- 101 Binary codes have been found in source file.
- If extra binary codes are found in the file, a warning is given to the user.
- This does not include tabs, they are not counted as binary codes. Extra symbols
- such as '©' or 'ª' are also not counted as binary.
- This warning may appear if the either the file actually has extra binary
- codes, or if the file is not of the type specified. EG. If you supply an AMIGA
- file specifying as an IBM file, the warning will appear. This is because the
- program will be expecting different sequence of binary codes in certain places.
- 102 Warning, Bad end of line sequence found.
- New to version 1.21.
- This warning will appear in conjuction with the binary code warning. It is
- displayed when a 0x0d code is found and it is not followed by a 0x0a, or vice
- versa in IBM source files. When 0x0d is found in an Amiga source file this
- message is also displayed.
- 103 Warning, Destination file being overwritten.
- Previously known as warning 102.
- If you supply a destination file which already exists, or a directory
- containing a file with the same name as the original file, a warning is given,
- but the file is overwritten. No confirmation is given.
- 104 Warning, Quiet option selected more than once.
- Previously known as warning 103.
- The QUIET option has been registered, but found more than once in the command
- line. The program will continue as if only one QUIET option existed.
- 105 Warning, NoXpnd option selected more than once.
- New to version 1.21.
- The NoXpnd option has been registered, but found more than once in the
- command line. The program will continue as if only one NoXpnd option existed.
- I do have a few hints on use...
- I use the program in conjunction with MessyDOS. Assuming you have a
- MessyDOS device MS1: setup you can directly read from an IBM disk using
- IBMConv:
- IBMConv uses the MessyDOS device to access the source file directly, and
- write the converted file to the RAM disk. You could just as easily have changed
- directory to MS1:, then typed:
- Make sure the IBMConv program is directly available to the shell though!
- For all you people who download stuff from NPDSA via an IBM, here is a method
- of transferring the UU-Encoded file to the Amiga, converting it to an Amiga
- format file, AND decoding it to the decoded archive at once!
- Lets assume you wish to download the file PROGRAM.UUE from the IBM disk you
- hold in your hand using MessyDOS.
- From a shell, CD to the directory you want the decoded file to appear and
- type:
- Using the above method reduces the need to convert the file to the Amiga,
- saving it, converting it to Amiga format and then decoding it to another disk.
- You just read the file directly, and write the decoded file directly. Easy huh?
- The commands RUN, IBMConv, and UUDecode should be immediately available to
- the shell, I usually place them in RAM:, and make RUN resident.
- PIPE: and MS1: should be mounted also.
- Compiling IBMConv.
- IBMConv can be compiled by 'LC -L IBMConv.c'.
- This version has been developed using Lattice C V5.1.
- Versions 1.0, and 1.1 were developed on version 4.0. I do not believe it to
- be V4.0 compatible because the INCLUDE files I originally developed it with were
- slightly different, but I could be wrong on this. Let me know if you know
- different.
- Bugs in IBMConv, Past and Present.
- Version 1.2
- Version 1.2 was released with a major bug, 0x0d followed by 0x0a would not
- get converted when 0x0d was the last character in the buffer and 0x0a being the
- first of the next buffer. In the previous release I said 'I am confident that
- this release is bug free, but they could be my fatel last words!', It was my
- fatel (well almost) last words, it had not been totally fixed.
- Version 1.21
- This is the current release.
- I cannot say that I am aware of any bugs at the moment, but as I have said
- before, and have found out the hard way, has anybody ever written a bug free
- program? However, the bug which I thought I had fixed at the last moment in
- version 1.2 reoccurred, this is now fixed, I am absolutely positive of this
- (I think!).
- Previous versions gave the binary warning when it (correctly) found a
- control Z, this code is often found at the end of MSDOS files and is now
- suppressed. The warning will still occur if it is found elsewhere in the file.
- The code is not copied to the destination if it is the last character in the
- source.
- All resources are now freed if the program is interupted by CTRL C etc. I
- did not class this as a bug previously, just a drawback with using C, but now
- its fixed, I found out how to call the deallocation routine when the program
- exits, even if it's caused by a break etc.
- Please, Let me know if you find any bugs, providing as much information as
- possible. My address is given below.
- Future.
- There are a number of things I intend to do, and they are listed below.
- Use even better dynamic memory allocation methods.
- Allow a specified amount of memory to be used.
- Tidy up the ParseCLIArgs function.
- Add an option to output the prompt etc. to a window defined by the program.
- Provide a decent front end.
- Include a confirmation for overwriting destination files, and appropriate
- command line option to force overwriting.
- If you have any ideas please forward them to me.
- History.
- Version 1.0
- This was extremely slow, and the IBM/AMIGA option operated differently,
- it said the file type being written, but I felt that to indicate the source
- file type made more sense so V1.1 came about. Besides, only I have version 1.0!
- Version 1.1
- A buffer system was added using 2K, in theory speeding up the program, and
- it did, about 50% faster... I don't claim it to be fast though!!
- IBM/AMIGA option changed, see above, it now indicates the source file type.
- A progress report is now given, a full stop appears for every 2K read.
- If an error occurs during opening a file, a new error message outputting the
- DOS error number has been added.
- Version 1.2
- Previous code was not overly accurate when referencing LONG variables, not
- set to 0L, just 0, and displayed using %d rather than %ld. Sorry, This is now
- corrected.
- A new buffer system has been employed for source AND destination files, work
- being carried out in the buffers. The reason behind this is I expected it to be
- faster than the system in 1.1. Now an 8K buffer is allocated for the source
- file, and depending on the direction of transfer, a destination buffer of
- 8K/10K is allocated, and worked upon. This new system is between 9 to 10 times
- faster than version 1.1. It is quite fast. An example of this is that a file
- of approx 45K took approximately 1 minute 35 seconds (95 seconds), this version
- takes approximately 5 seconds!
- The IBM/AMIGA switch is now case insensative, ie. "Amiga", "amiga", "AmIgA",
- will all be recognised as "AMIGA". Previous versions were limited to upper
- case.
- A new progress report has been employed displaying the number of bytes read
- and written.
- An additional feature showing the number of lines processed has been added.
- I thought it might come in useful.
- The 'QUIET' option has been added.
- A warning is now displayed if extra binary codes are found in the file being
- converted.
- Version 1.21
- Apart from the bug fix which is explained in the 'Bugs' section,
- very little has been done to the program.
- The code has been changed to be closer to the C standard
- conventions (variables using lower case etc.).
- Two functions have been used in place of the inline code in the
- function main. These functions convert one buffer to the second.
- This was carried out because it makes it easier to see what is
- happening in the function main. The code has been optimised in
- places to try to keep it fast but readable. I could probably make
- it faster, but less understandable!
- The 'NOXPND' option has been added.
- Two new warnings have been added too. Warning 102 now becomes
- `Warning, Bad end of line sequence found.'. Old warnings 102, 103
- now become 103,104 respectively. 105 refers to multiple use of the
- NOXPND option.
- All resources are now freed if the program is interrupted by
- CTRL-C etc.
- My main priority with this release was to get the bug fixed,
- because it did cause problems with large files.
- The program also now uses WARN and ERROR return codes. If a
- warning occurs, WARN is returned, no matter which warning it was.
- Any error causes ERROR to be returned. FAIL is not supported,
- because it is very difficult with this program to decide where to
- draw the line between ERROR and FAIL.
- Contact.
- If you want to get hold of me, try the following address. and there
- is no reason for it to change in the near future. It will probably
- be correct for many years to come, but as with any of part of this
- archive, there is no guarantee!
- 65 Ascham Road EMail dave.trollope@lucent.com
- Grange Park
- Swindon
- SN5 6BE
- England